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Important Dates:


November 23, 2006 -Friday,
November 24, 2006
School Closed

Pearl Harbor Day
Thursday, December 7, 2006




Quote of the Month:

"All things are difficult before they are easy."
  Thomas Fuller


  MST School- 2005 MST Fair-Earthquakes    





Earthquakes Links

Reference: learn what causes earthquakes on Yahooligans! Reference

Ask Earl: learn about earthquakes with Yahooligans! Ask Earl

Understanding Earthquakes  - take an earthquake quiz, see earthquakes of the past 5 years diagrammed on a globe, learn about the history of seismology and more at this informative site.

USGS Earthquakes for Kids  - shake it up with this cool site from the USGS especially for kids. Learn cool quake facts, earthquake ABC's, and catch up on the science of seismology. You can also explore being a geophysicist.

Earthquake Preparedness Handbook  - from the Los Angeles City Fire Department.

FEMA For Kids: Earthquakes  - learn why earthquakes happen, how they can be measured, how to protect yourself and your house, and play games and read stories about earthquakes. From the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Earthquakes and Plate Tectonics  - info from the National Earthquake Information Center using plate tectonics to explain how earthquakes are concentrated in specific areas on the Earth's surface.

Tsunamis and Earthquakes at the USGS  - discover how local tsunamis are generated by earthquakes and find animation, virtual reality models, and summaries of research studies.

Fact Sheet: Earthquakes  - from the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Administration.

  • Earthquake Record of the Day  - data from recent earthquakes, updated every day.
  • Earthquakes and Volcanoes  - would you rather live near an earthquake fault or a volcano? This third grade class explores the causes and fallouts of the natural disasters and lets you decide.

    Earthquake Shake  - find out what a seismograph is, as well as other earthquake facts, from The Tech Museum of Innovation.

    American Red Cross - Earthquake  - tells you how to get ready for an earthquake, how to drop, cover, and hold on, and how to prepare a disaster supplies kit. Also in Spanish.

    Eye in the Sky: Earthquakes  - learn about earthquakes, their environmental effects, and the science behind them, from National Geographic.

    Savage Earth  - this PBS series talks in-depth about the structure of the earth's crust and how and why it causes earthquakes, volcanoes, and tsunamis.

    Discover Our Earth  - use interactive tools to learn about topics related to the Earth sciences such as earthquakes, volcanoes, topography plate tectonics, and sea level change.

    Earthforces  - if you have ever felt the rumble of an earthquake or seen the eruption of a volcano, you've witnessed Earthforce.

    EarthScience Center  - find out about recent earthquakes and hurricanes and learn how they are studied.

    Current World Seismicity  - up-to-date information on recent earthquakes. Shows a world map with the latest locations pinpointed. From the USGS National Earthquake Information Center.

    USGS: Science Fair Project Ideas  - lots of earthquake science fair project ideas from the USGS!

  • Online Disaster Quiz  - test your knowledge of natural disasters including hurricanes, volcanoes, droughts, tornadoes, earthquakes, and floods.
  • Richter Scale  - explanation of the scale used to measure earthquakes, from the USGS.

  • USGS: An Interview with Charles F. Richter  - read an interview with this scientist known for his earthquake magnitude scale.
  • National Geographic Kids: Earthquake  - watch video of the aftermath of one of nature's most destructive forces: earthquakes. Find facts, see pictures, and get tips on what you can do to keep safe in an earthquake.

    Frequently-Asked Questions: Earthquakes and New York State  - includes information about the science of earthquakes and how to be prepared. From the New York State Library.

  • Natural Hazards - Earthquakes  - take a look at these amazing pictures of some of the effects of earthquakes from the National Geophysical Data Center.
  • Earthquake Studies  - find out what's shakin' at this site. Find earthquake stats, projects, and experience a virtual quake.
  • National Earthquake Information Center  - this center in Golden, Colorado, determines the location and size of all destructive earthquakes that occur worldwide.
  • Virtual Earthquake  - interactive site designed to introduce you to how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the magnitude is calculated. It's complex, but interesting.











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