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Important Dates:


November 23, 2006 -Friday,
November 24, 2006
School Closed

Pearl Harbor Day
Thursday, December 7, 2006




Quote of the Month:

"All things are difficult before they are easy."
  Thomas Fuller




@ P.S, 19Q


Think Quest NYC 2006
Congratulations to
Team Beware! They're Big! They're Dangerous! NYC063787,
Team I Survived the Dinosaurs! Will I Survive the World of Today? The Green Sea Turtle NYC063789,
Team The Bermuda Triangle: Fantasy or Reality? NYC063786,
and Team Midnight in the Ocean NYC063506
for reaching the SEMIFINALS in the 2006 Think Quest New York City Challenge. Congratulations also to Team Feet on One's Head NYC063788 for creating a very interesting website!

Think Quest NYC 2005
Congratulations to Team Hot Spot Mega Tsunami NYC052368 and Team In the Ring of Fire NYC052370  for reaching the SEMIFINALS in the 2005 Think Quest New York City Challenge. Also congratulations to Team Tornadoes - Destructive Forces of Nature NYC052371 completing their great website.
You all did a fantastic job!













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